"I struggle with mental health issues and substance use. Seth approaches things different and better than anyone I've met. He doesn't judge, he really cares." - B.N.,
"Whether it's in a coaching, business-consulting, or mentor/counselor role, Seth is an intuitive guide, able to assess, diagnose, and articulate a cure to almost any personal, relationship, or systemic problem you bring to him. Grounded in both research and time-tested, dynamic wisdom, Seth's insights penetrate to the very core essence of an issue, getting you back on course to where you want to be, potentially saving you time, money, and mental/emotional stress in the long-run... Five stars to Seth Elliott!" - Ben Olson MA, LPC
During times of conflict, change, or just growing seasons, the same principles of Integral Process Leadership that work at the organizational level can help you find deeper sources of hope, strength, and peace for your career, family, and relationships.