This session helps leaders improve culture using the unique lens of 'organizational cholesterol' - a term from the book The Merlin Advantage which describes nuanced forms of conflict and disengagement that exist just outside the diagnostic reach of most workplace surveys and HR data. These are the the things many people know are happening, but decision-makers can't (or won't) see. This training provides a safe and evidence-based way to uncover and address complex, sticky, and persistent culture issues that affect performance.
No matter how experienced we are, conflict engages our fight or flight system (even if we don’t show it). This training addresses the lower level incidents of emotional escalation that happen every day leading to bigger problems. Participants learn to transform routine conflicts into breakthroughs. (For higher risk de-escalation training click here).
Cross train your leaders in the powerful IPL Essentials from the book The Merlin Advantage. This course can be customized for leaders at any level and contains pillars of leadership ranging from situational insight to interpersonal skills to talent management to conflict navigation and more.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a powerful way to discover and leverage the core energies, strengths, and talents of the people on your teams. Flexible training formats offer a variety of ways you can deliver this invaluable knowledge to your organization. Click here for more information.
Trainings can be delivered in person, remotely, or adapted into retreats. Retreats are in-person only.
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